Archive by Author

Program Manager vs Project Manager

Program manager and project manager: the titles of these two positions sound so similar that the roles themselves must also be a lot alike, correct? Nope! While it’s true that some of the responsibi...

How to Work for a Hedge Fund

Hedge funds utilize advanced research and a variety of financial strategies to assist investors in growing their success. If you’re highly proficient in mathematics and you have an interest in the s...

How to Use Glassdoor

Whether you’re a job seeker who is looking for a new position or you are an employer who has job openings to fill, you may have heard about Glassdoor. An American-based company, Glassdoor is a websi...

How to Explain Gaps in Employment

You’ve found a listing for a great job. Not only does it meet your interests and the pay and benefits seem to fit your needs, but you’re confident that your education, training, and past experienc...